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Barcode & QR

We provide enterprise grade barcode applications and solutions design to automatically capture and track your supply-chain, manufacturing, warehousing, and other crucial business process with ease.

Barcode based tracking systems and solutions for industrial applications and automation


From simple retail store management to highly complex supply chain and manufacturing tracking can be carried out with our cloud enabled barcode system.


Our android based industrial grade barcode terminals bring cutting edge technology to your hands, literally. Discover our salesforce automation applications.

All in One

Our cloud software is a full scale ERP with expanded capabilities to cater to all your tracking needs. Discuss with our engineers explain how we could be a great match.

Cloud software

All your product inventory information, work-flows, and everything else in the cloud and interconnected so that you can do anything from anywhere.


OCTO SaaS ERP barcode system is highly customizable and can be fine tuned to address the exact requirement of your organization’s workflow.

Wired and wireless

Whether you need simply wired or complete wireless, we have solutions and equipment to have things connected, even with industrial machinery you already have.